Holiday Lottery for Guest Suite Reservation


Holiday Lottery for Guest Suite Reservation


The Board of Directors has established a lottery system for these Holidays:


Christmas Holiday – From December 18th through December 27th.

New Year’s Holiday – From December 27th through January 5th.


(you are allowed to reserve up to a maximum of 7 days consecutively)


Deadline for Christmas And New Year’s Lottery Entry: October 24th, 2019


All residents interested in entering the lottery will need to submit a check in the amount of $250.00 (deposit) to the office prior to the date of the drawing.


▪ Lottery entries must specify the desired holiday period and type of suite (small, large, combined).

▪ Unit Owners/Tenants can only win one holiday lottery per year.

▪ Lottery entrants will be selected and given an assigned lottery number in the order chosen. In the event of cancellations or withdrawals, the next lottery number selected will be notified and offered available dates until all of the holiday lottery periods are filled. Any days during the holiday period not claimed from the lottery will be put back on the non-holiday calendar and available to all qualified Owners/Tenants.

▪ Lottery winners must pay all fees in full within 7 days of the lottery drawing.

▪ All names will be listed as each is drawn. The first names drawn are the winners.

▪ Owners of multiple units get one entry per unit that is not rented out. In other words, if an owner owns three units but has one rented out, they get two entries into the lottery.

▪ Those who do not win the lottery will have their checks returned to them.

▪ If the winner cancels and no one else uses the suite, the money will not be refunded.


60 days prior to the holiday entries will be drawn from a box or bag, in the presence of two witnesses, by the Management Office. Owners may attend and will be notified of the time and place of the drawing.


The lottery drawing date is:

Christmas and New Year’s: October 25, 2019


Good Luck to All!!