Electronic Voting-There’s Still Time To Sign Up!

Good Morning Owners!

The first Owners Vote with Becker Ballot Electronic Voting will take place with the Budget mailing in the first week in October. If you would like to Vote electronically, please hand deliver, scan, or mail back to the Management office “Exhibit A” – extra copy attached for your convenience (if you need it in pdf format please email me). There are also copies available at the Management office.

Surprisingly, there are only a total of 62 Exhibits received out of the 124 units. Please be sure the Management Office has received your form back by September 15, 2020 so that we can get your information to BeckerBallot and your choice of Electronic Voting will be in effect in time for the first vote.

Only 1 Unit Owner should be named as Eligible Voter on the form.

Thanking you in advance.