Vehicle Relocation for Wed. 9/23

TO ALL OWNERS AND RESIDENTS:Wednesday, 9/23 Please relocate your vehicle by 8:00 am.At the end of the day (5pm), you can return to your parking space. The hanger replacement project will continue with the following spaces:2-68 & 2-692-72 through 2-74 The painting project will continue with the following spaces:1-30 through 1-45 We will update you daily with...

Vehicle Relocation for Tuesday 9/22

TO ALL OWNERS AND RESIDENTS:The hanger replacement project will continue with the following spaces:2-72 through 2-79At the end of the day (4pm), you can return to your parking space. The painting project will begin with the following spaces:1-27 through 1-63 and1-72 through 1-86PH Garages 5 & 6 (Building 1) We will update you daily with...