Bldg #2 – Elevator #1 Update

To All Owners and Residents:

Firstly, your Board and Management Team would like to thank you for your ongoing patience with the elevator in Building #2, Elevator #1. We have all been working behind the scenes to get this elevator up and running. However, this has been a lengthy process.

An Elevator Consultant was requested to review the situation and prepare a full and extensive report on the findings, which included an estimate for said repair. The budget number for these repairs was submitted to the Insurance Company and will be between $180,000 and $200,000.
This report was just received today and shared with our current Elevator Maintenance Company, with a request for an immediate proposal to make the recommended repairs and costs outlined in the report.

Thyssenkrupp will be on property tomorrow to install the parts now available. Unfortunately there are still parts on back order and those will be installed as soon as they are received.
We will keep you informed when information is received.
Thank you.
Management Office