Bel Mare Holiday Cheer for Palmetto Boys & Girls Club


Dear Neighbors,

As most of you know, in years past Bel Mare has provided toys, gifts, and funding for a holiday party for children of the Palmetto Boys & Girls Club. During those years we were the only organization providing these extras for BGC kids. Over the past year, some changes have occurred.

The previous Club Director, Angie, is no longer at the Club. It seems she did not transfer information about Bel Mare’s participation in Club holiday activities to the new Director, Art Garcia. There is also a significant increase in the number of kids in the programs compared to prior years, as the Club has been in “outreach” mode.

Mr. Garcia says the Palmetto Rotary Club is donating for 50 of the 200+ BGC kids, taking them shopping for their siblings/family members and providing a “gift wrapping party” and small gifts for the kids themselves. In addition to the Rotary program, Toys for ToTs are donating 360 toys to the Club.

Given the changes noted above, Mr. Garcia says the Club has many needs for things that would benefit the kids over the course of the year, every day, that would be more beneficial to them in the long run. The Club is trying to increase the number of kids they are able serve and bolster the very worthwhile programs they offer to teach these kids respect, accountability, and leadership skills that lead many of these kids to a “way out” of unfortunate circumstances. Please see the link below to another file containing information about the Club and some of their programs.
This year we are not focusing primarily on a “toy drive.” While donations of toys will be great and certainly appreciated (and we’ll have the boxes around in the lobbies), we are encouraging those who wish to participate in providing for “Christmas and Beyond” to give monetary donations or donations of bigger ticket items the Club needs (see below). Monetary donations will be used to help fund the food and decorations at the BGC holiday party and to buy gifts to supplement what the Rotary Club is providing. Checks can be made payable to the Palmetto Boys & Girls Club, and dropped off in the office with Toni or Marie. Toys can be placed in the boxes near the Christmas Trees in the lobbies or under the trees themselves.

The drive will run through December 13. We will share more information at the December 9 BOD meeting, but if you have questions please contact Tammie Loescher at [email protected] or 813-355-7232.

Some of the items the Club needs are:

New Pool Tables and Bumper Pool Tables for Games Room (3)
Couches for Teen Center
New Gym Floor
Air Condition Unit not working in Building
New Patio Roof Cover (members are getting hit with debris from ground)
Computers for Teen Center
New Game Consoles (XBOX, PS4, Wii)
Game console room with games (above), and furniture, chairs, TVs
A Gym Skirt to divide the basketball court
Furniture, tables, chairs for Study Room


Note that donations we have received so far include a used 60 inch flat screen TV, a used XBox game console, and a used pair of Bose headphones. Donated items do not need to be new, just in decent condition.

We understand everyone has a “giving budget” and other charitable targets at this time of year. If you choose to include BGC in your giving this year, you will be supporting a critical part of the Palmetto community that has a lasting positive impact on the kids served.

Thanks for your attention and your participation! Next year we will have more lead time to figure out how we can best serve those in need in our community at holiday time, because we know BEL MARE RESIDENTS HAVE BIG HEARTS!

Anyone wanting to participate with me in this effort next year, please let me know as all help is appreciated!
Best regards and the happiest of holidays to everyone!

Tammie Loescher